Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy


A man and woman are standing next to each other.

Common Reasons Black Americans Avoid Psychotherapy

Shame and Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Issues  Many Black people have grown up believing that mental health issues are a white man’s problem. Of course, this stereotype is false. But some would rather hang onto it than admit they are struggling with a mental health problem. Also, some might not think of psychotherapy as a viable solution to their problems. Thus, they don’t see the value in spending money on therapy.  Psychotherapy Having a Predominantly White Background  Cultural issues play a role in mental health problems. Psychological training given to therapists focuses on white values and norms. Black health researchers, practitioners, and theorists seem not to have a voice. As a result, it’s harder for the Black community to relate to such modes of treatment.   Keeping Emotions Inside  Black people often learn early in life that they need to toughen up. Emotions aren’t things you show others. One must keep their emotions to themselves lest they show a sign of weakness. Because of this, it can be challenging to open up during therapy.   With narrative therapy, one learns to take control of their life and give meaning to their own story. If you need a therapist in Oakland California, consider Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy.   Negative Past Encounters  Sometimes, a Black person may have had a negative experience at therapy. This can affect how they perceive psychotherapy from then on. Some experiences with a therapist can go wrong. It could be due to a lack of competence, cultural awareness, or something else. Such occurrences make it hard for Black people to seek a different counselor. However, finding a therapist that understands narrative therapy will empower the client. After all, this helps the client give meaning to their life’s stories and experiences.   Mental Health Is Expensive  Many therapists opt not to take insurance. For many in the Black community, paying out of pocket isn’t an easy option. As a result, many end up going without mental healthcare.   Navigating the Process of Finding a Therapist  Today, there is a lot of information online. Despite all the resources available, many find it hard to find a therapist suitable for them. Some even compare this process with trying to hunt for a job. Many don’t know where to start or even which questions they need to ask.   Wrapping Up: Choosing a Good Therapist in Oakland California  If you’re black, you need to know that your mental health matters too. Consider Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy. And feel free to schedule an appointment. 

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A person is doing yoga in the sunset.

How Can Black Patients Benefit From Working With Black Psychiatrists?

Cultural competence and awareness play a significant role in helping clients deal with their issues, which may be difficult for white psychiatrists to deal with their black patients.  Psychiatrists are doctors and do not generally provide therapy, but they can if they are competent and experienced.  Let us dive into why Black patients can benefit from a black therapist in Richmond California and Oakland California.  Trust  The medical community has been known to make errors in judgment when dealing with black patients, and many have often accused the mental health care system of weaponizing bias against black people.  Black patients are more likely to be hospitalized than white people and are often misdiagnosed, quickly leading to risky outcomes for black people and their families. There are also higher rates of black women not surviving childbirth, and clinicians have been accused of not listening intently and drawing conclusions based on prejudices they might have.  This mistrust and lack of active listening can have dangerous outcomes and further complicates issues of vulnerable minorities distrusting the service providers.  Having a black therapist can help alleviate any of these concerns and tackle systematic racism or prejudice in the system.  Stereotype  Many black patients feel as if they are fighting against a stereotype when conversing with their therapist or psychiatrist, which can bring up feelings of being judged and lead to less trust between client and therapist.  Fighting against a stereotype can be draining, but at the same time, it’s important to realize that you are allowed to be vulnerable in front of your therapist. If black clients can voice their concerns, the therapist can do better to make them feel comfortable.  Minorities may feel like they are being fit into a box with prejudice against being poor, lazy, or promiscuous, which can cause them to close up and not feel safe in fear of reinforcing their stereotypes.  Clients suffering from mental illnesses may fear that their therapist might put them in the same category as their prejudices, which leads to fear of judgment regarding their entire race.  Having a black therapist in San Richmond can help black patients feel at ease because it’s likely that the therapist has faced the same struggles and prejudices, making it easy to relate and understand the patient’s issues.  No Need For Explanations  Many black patients feel that they need to provide cultural context to their non-black therapists, which adds a layer of complexity that makes it difficult to connect on a deeper level.  Black individuals feel like being black affects their everyday experiences and will continue to do so until they die. This is why it can help to have a black therapist familiar with the struggles and provide insights that’ll help their clients deal with this internal struggle.  Cultural context cannot be articulated or appropriately explained to non-black therapists but is understood perfectly well by black therapists, which is why black patients may benefit immensely from black therapists.  In black communities, familial bonds are deep and personal, which can often cause problems regarding personal space and boundaries, which may be hard to explain to some therapists who find it difficult to relate to such close family ties.  Since you’re paying a good deal of money to get therapy, providing context wastes a lot of time that could be better spent tackling the individual’s issues and providing insights regarding thoughts and behaviors.  With black therapists, all you would maybe need to say is ‘you know the deal with black mothers,’ and the therapist would know exactly what you’re talking about, leading to a better understanding of your issues and, therefore, better treatment of the symptoms.  Freedom  Being allowed to be themselves is a relief for many black patients when they find a black therapist, which allows them to be fully vulnerable without holding back, which speeds up the therapeutic process.  Many therapists have made assumptions regarding poverty when treating black patients, which has led to a breach of trust between client and therapist.  With black therapists, clients do not feel like they need to hide certain parts of themselves to avoid stereotypes, which is why healing can quickly follow.  Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy Psychotherapy provides black patients with the freedom to be themselves and tackle personal issues with a deep cultural understanding of their clients’ predicaments Final Verdict  Narrative therapy plays a big part in separating individuals from their issues and allows them to develop the skills necessary to tackle their problems head-on.  Having a black psychiatrist undoubtedly helps build trust between client and therapist, which is why many are opting for this solution regarding their mental health conditions. 

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A woman and two men sitting on the couch

Self Help Strategies to do at Home

Self-help is a form of positive psychology where you engage in activities that boost your mental health or provide relief from daily life stressors. There are hundreds of self-care strategies that individuals can attempt at home which can improve their lives, including eating healthy food, practicing meditation, and exercising. For individuals suffering from mental illness, self-help works well in conjunction with narrative therapy you may be getting from a therapist in San Richmond. It is important that individuals partake in activities that boost their mental health to accelerate their healing process. Let’s explore some of the self-help strategies you can practice at home. Spend Time in Nature Spending time in nature can have therapeutic effects on the mind, body, and soul, which can be a relief when struggling with daily life stressors. Walking barefoot in nature can ground you and help you reconnect with your beautiful surroundings, which is in stark contrast to living at home constantly surrounded by walls. You may feel inner peace and joy and may notice a boost in your mood for the day. We as a human species have fallen out of touch with nature, which is why it’s important to go for a walk in the woods or go hiking so that you may reap the benefits. Start Exercising Exercising is crucial, especially as we age, because it releases endorphins, which are natural pain killers that elevate our mood. Daily movement is also important to keep our body fat at a level that doesn’t negatively impact our hearts. You can also engage in yoga or daily stretching, reducing muscle stiffness and increasing your mobility. Many people experience chronic lower back pain, which can be alleviated by finding the right movements that mobilize your hips and stretch out your lower back. Joining a gym can also benefit people who have self-esteem issues relating to their bodies, as building muscle and staying active can change our self-image. Meditate Meditation is one of the best ways to improve our mental health because it can help us become grounded and gain control of our reactions to the outer environment. You can experience many benefits, such as a reduction in stress, lower blood pressure, and an increased sense of general well-being. Sitting down for 20 minutes a day may be hard for some people, but once you start noticing results, you become self-motivated, which can boost your progress exponentially. We live in a world of constant stimulation, where it can be helpful to take a step back and sit alone with yourself. Meditation also provides insights into our personality and self-image, which can help us make the necessary changes to improve our lives. Many people struggle with introspection, which is why meditation is an excellent practice that can help people develop self-reflection skills. Take a Cold Shower Taking a cold shower can be therapeutic as cold water therapy has many benefits to the body. It gives people a chance to embrace discomfort, as seeking comfort can become a trap that slows down progress and self-improvement. It’s also an excellent way to start your day, and you can incorporate it into your morning ritual. Cold showers are uncomfortable, which is why you should do them. Training yourself to adapt to discomfort can carry over to other avenues of your life. Take a Bubble Bath A bubble bath can be a fun activity where you kick back and relax in an aromatic bathtub, which can help you unwind after a long day’s work Add a scented candle and some bath oil, and you’ll feel refreshed and relaxed following the activity, which serves as time alone with yourself. Read a Book Reading a book is a great pastime that’s entertaining and usually takes less toll on your brain than browsing the Internet for multiple hours a day. Books are also great for expanding your vocabulary and increasing your knowledge, which can help facilitate your thinking process, depending on the kinds of books you read. It is an excellent form of entertainment that will leave you smarter and more articulate than before. Final Verdict Self-help strategies can help complement your narrative therapy sessions with your therapist in San Richmond. They can also help improve the quality of your life. Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy allows black individuals to find a safe space where they can be vulnerable and openly communicate their problems without being judged, labeled, or put in a box. Many people cannot find the time to be alone, and self-help ensures that you find a way to add small habits and activities into your busy timetable to help you cope with daily life stressors. .

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A person sitting in front of a laptop on the floor.

Does Meditation Reduce Stress?

If you don’t deal with stress timely, it takes a toll on your mental and physical health. There are several stress-management tools that you can incorporate into your daily time. You must have a healthy routine and diet to cope with stress. Talking about your problems and stressors to a therapist can also help you deal with stress. Reuben Burke is an outstanding Therapist. San Rafael residents can benefit from his practice at Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy. Here, people can receive therapy for coping with stress, anxiety, and depression via personalized treatment plans for individual needs. Waking up in time, eating healthy, cutting down on carbs, and making exercise a part of your daily routine are things that not only have a positive impact on your productivity and performance throughout the day but also help you cope with stress Studies have shown that meditation is also a great way of dealing with stress. According to a survey, meditating over 10 days reduces stress by 14%. This blog covers what meditation is and how it helps reduce stress. What Is Meditation? People often associate meditation with turning off all their thoughts and feelings. While in fact, it is quite the opposite. While you meditate, you learn to observe your feelings and thoughts without judgment, which later on helps you understand and cope with them. It enables you to develop your awareness of the present moment. Meditation is a skill that requires a lot of practice. It involves sitting in a relaxed position and focusing on one particular thought. You can focus on your breathing, counting, or a mantra. While you meditate, you must relax your mind and concentrate on that one thing while clearing the rest. All you have to do is find a quiet space, close your eyes and focus on breathing. Steps Involved in Meditation Meditation is a great way to relax your mind and block out all the negative thoughts that cause you stress. Here are a few steps you can follow to meditate for stress management. 1. Find a Quiet Corner Before starting, you must ensure that the place is quiet to allow complete focus and concentration. Put your phone on silent and remove all distractions. 2. Focus on Your Breathing For beginners, this is an excellent way to practice meditation. Practice deep and even-paced breathing. Take in more oxygen as you break in. While doing this, ensure that you reduce the use of your shoulders, neck, and upper chest muscles. This will allow for more relaxed and efficient breathing 3. Correct Your Posture While you are meditating, it is essential to maintain a proper posture. Keep your shoulders broad and back straight, and ensure that you are comfortable enough. 4. Focus on a Particular Thought Allow thoughts and feelings to pass through your mind, but without judgment. Focus on one particular thing and try to relax your mind. You can repeat a calming word in a low tone to allow complete focus. You can even concentrate on a specific thought or phrase to prevent distractive thoughts. You will feel a calmer and more relaxed state as you practice this. Be consistent, and you will notice a decrease in your stress and anxiety level. Ways in which Meditation Reduces Stress Here are five ways in which meditation is excellent for stress management. Conclusion If you are looking for ways to cope with stress, assess your routine and cut down on unhealthy habits. A healthy practice makes for a healthy mind that eventually becomes critical for dealing with stress. Understand and navigate through feelings that cause you stress with the help of a therapist. San Rafael and Orlando residents can trust psychotherapist Rueben Burke’s experience and expertise in such matters. Reuben Burke is an excellent therapist who will help you cope with stress. If you want to deal with anxiety and stress, Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy provides a safe place for black people where you can share your thoughts, knowing your therapist has your best interest in mind. Sign up today for a 50 minutes online consultation call or contact us to get started. Our office hours are as follows: Mon – Fri: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm Sat-Sun: Closed

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A woman standing in front of a wall with her arms crossed.

Why Black Therapists are Indispensable?

More at Peace  The mental health system faces glaring race issues. It takes a black person’s first-hand experience to trust mental health specialists. There are many cases of black people being misdiagnosed and placed in hospitalized care for minor health problems.  Black therapists are slowly bringing that to an end. Black people trust black therapists more and are more comfortable sharing their psychological issues with a black therapist. Basically, people of color, especially those discriminated against in the workplace or school because of their race, feel more secure being attended by a black therapist.  They Understand a Black Man’s Struggles As a black person, your physiological struggles aren’t the same as those of the whites. If you’ve been exposed to racial discrimination, that might have taken a toll on your mental health. A white specialist may not understand the problems you face.  Black therapists have had similar problems to yours and know the challenges you face. You won’t waste minutes or hours explaining your issues when a black therapist attends you. The special attention and the I-care attitude you get from a black therapist make the black therapy session more enjoyable and pleasing.  Freedom to Be You  People of color are never 100% themselves when explaining their psychological problems to a white therapist. You already see yourself as inferior before the therapist and won’t have the confidence to vent your troubles.  When a black therapist is attending you, you see them as friends. You’re already convinced they can give you a shoulder to lean on. That relationship makes it easier for you to share your woes and attend to them adeptly. Remember that the closer and more comfortable you’re with a psychotherapy expert, the better the quality of services you’ll get and the more enjoyable the session.  Addresses Your Pains  Your mental health is essential, and only a therapist who might understand your pain from your point of view can address the issues amicably. We also have many caring and reliable white therapists that have helped thousands of people of color recover their physiological health.   However, it takes a customized approach such as the Black minds matter psychotherapy to treat a black person’s mental health issue amicably. Black-mind psychotherapy is created with the black people in mind, so everything regarding the treatment deeply connects the dots of a black person’s psychological health.  It’s only logical for a person of color to seek medical care from a qualified and talented black therapist when facing psychological issues. Understanding the black person’s psychology does not require rocket science but coming up with effective psychotherapy for people of color needs someone who understands the mental and emotional struggles the black people face. And that’s where the black minds matter psychotherapy comes in. It caters specifically to the black minds, addressing the psychological issues a black man faces in San Fransisco, CA.  End Of Article  

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A man reading a book while sitting at his desk.

Certain Mental Disorders Affect African-American Communities the Most

Affecting over 40 million adults in the United States, anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the country. The disorder can affect anyone, but the African-American community has been affected by it at a higher rate than any other group.   The African-American population, although the second most populous race in the United States, only makes up 13% of the total population. Of these people, 16% claimed to have been suffering from some form of mental illness in the last year.   Triggers in African-Americans and the General Population This particular mental disorder can be caused by a number of different triggers. Family history and early trauma are the most common triggers, but they can also be caused by other medical conditions and have genetic origins. In addition to this, African-Americans have to take into consideration the exposure to racism, additional abuse, and the general effects that racism has on culture, like fewer opportunities and gentrification.  As for specific events, driving, harsh work environments, busy schedules, traveling, phobias, and overwhelming responsibilities make up a large portion of triggers for those suffering from mental health disorders. It can be difficult to deal with these triggers, as they are a normal part of life. This is just one of the reasons therapy is so important.   Therapy for Anxiety and Depression The prevalence of mental health disorders in the United States shouldn’t be ignored. It’s perfectly fine to feel anxious during certain life events, but it’s not healthy to allow any mental health disorder to cause a constant disruption to your life.   These types of mental disorders often lead to other disorders. Therapy helps people understand the disorder, discover their triggers, and get a better handle on life. In addition, patients get treated during difficult parts of their lives. This helps people maintain composure and reduce symptoms.   There are quite a few things you can do to keep your mental health in check. Focused breathing can help ease off an incoming panic attack, staying in shape can ease your anxious attitude towards your physical health, but talking with someone you trust is key.   It can be difficult for family members to understand what you’re going through if they aren’t familiar with mental health issues themselves. It may seem like they don’t understand you, and it can even feel like they don’t care. Talking with a therapist is the only way for many people to truly express how they feel.   Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy offers a new take on therapy in Oakland, CA. Their therapy consists of talking directly about racist influences, integrating discipline into a lifestyle, and educating patients about the political issues, socioeconomic impacts, and history that may be negatively impacting their mental health.     

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Two men are sitting on a couch talking.

Why African American Men Are More Hesitant to Therapy Than African American Women

Research focusing on mental health among African Americans is on the rise. However, very little research addresses age and gender differences in attitudes, beliefs, and how men and women cope with mental health issues. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems among African Americans of both genders. Many people hesitate to seek treatment because of the stigma associated with mental health problems. Many African Americans have suffered trauma that they might not remember or are fearful to talk about. Unresolved issues may result in anxiety, behavioral issues, physical pain, and depression. Black Community and Mental Health Mental health problems are common in Black communities. The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities states that African Americans are 20 percent more likely to suffer from major depressive disorder than white people. The rate is increasing in young Blck adults between the ages of 18 and 25. However, Black Americans of all ages are less likely to seek mental health treatment than white adults. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health states African Americans are more likely to have persistent sadness, depression, and feelings that they have to put forth more effort in whatever they do. Racist Attitudes and Effects on African American Men Black history in the United States is very different from the experience of white people. Slavery created wealth for white people and is the root of white supremacy. Anti-Black laws, policies of today, and racist attacks have a profound impact on African Americans and have long-lasting effects. These factors are the reasons African American men in Oakland, CA shouldn’t hesitate to seek Black Therapy. Black Men and Mental Health Treatment Traditional stereotypes of Black men have contributed to many Black men not seeking mental Black Therapy. Outdated concepts about how Black men must always be strong and masculine have contributed to many men not seeking mental health treatment. Continuous exposure to discrimination and systemic racism are contributing factors and have an adverse effect on millions of African American men. Many Black men have internalized behaviors to fit in with society which may cause reluctance to seek medical help. The effects can be chronic. Limited Resources Available to African American Men Several factors have contributed to mental health problems in Black communities. Attacks on African Americans, systemic racism, and the pandemic has all contributed to feelings of isolation. Many Black people don’t trust the medical community due to abuse referred to as medical testing. Deterrents from seeking mental health treatment include demanding work schedules, lack of medical insurance, or living in locations without access to transportation and medical services. The stigma associated with mental health prevents people from seeking treatment. African Americans struggling with anxiety, depression, or PTSD shouldn’t have to suffer when help is available. The mental health needs of African American individuals and couples are unique. Mental health treatments are available to help couples with relationship challenges. Black therapy treatment options in Oakland, CA may include acceptance commitment therapy, cognitive therapy, and methods to help individuals resolve issues within their families.

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A woman sitting next to another woman in a room.

What Does Integrative Brief Psychotherapy Entail?

Integrative counseling is a type of psychotherapy that incorporates parts of several different treatments. Integrative therapists believe that no single treatment technique can treat every client in every scenario. Rather, each individual must be viewed as a whole, with counseling strategies customized to their own needs and circumstances. How Does Integrative Brief Psychotherapy Work? There are over 400 different varieties of psychotherapy, each distinguished by its methodology, the people it serves, and the length and frequency with which the therapist interacts with them. Despite the fact that each of these tactics differs somewhat, research suggests that they can all provide similar results. Because a single methodology to psychotherapy doesn’t often provide the greatest advantage to the client, therapists who are trained in one therapeutic approach, like cognitive-behavioral, gestalt, or family therapy, frequently combine tools from other therapies to create a distinctive and effective form of treatment that is appropriate and effective for individual clients. Some psychotherapists simply call themselves integrative therapists rather than identifying with a single treatment approach. Integrative therapy in Oakland, CA deviates from eclectic therapeutic interventions in that it uses techniques that have been proven to treat specific ailments by scientific research, whereas eclectic therapy tends to focus more on the efficiency of an approach and is less involved with whether or not research has proven its efficiency for specific problems. Advantages of Integrative Counseling Integrative therapy’s flexibility and emphasis on the whole person is a significant benefit. Therapy may be adapted to accommodate a range of needs and issues due to the integration of diverse techniques, making it perhaps a more versatile and inclusive method of therapy than more conventional, solitary kinds of psychotherapy. An integrated approach might alter over time to accommodate life changes or incidents that may arise during treatment. It can be especially useful for people who desire to break bad behavioral patterns brought on by worries, fears, or phobias. It can be used to treat any other mental wellness problem that has a significant influence on life satisfaction, like: It’s also been reported to help youngsters with autism and learning disabilities, which can impair the four aspects of human functioning: emotional, behavioral, physiological, and cognitive systems. Integrative brief psychotherapy strategies may be used in practically any sort of therapy with kids, adolescents, and adults, whether in an individual or group context. Integrative counseling often necessitates a significant time investment on the client’s side due to the comprehensive analysis of issues and the development of goals. As a result, it may not be appropriate for people seeking a rapid, solution-oriented approach to personal growth. What to Search for in a Therapist Who Offers Integrative Care Although there are training courses for integrative therapists, any licensed, competent psychotherapist can use an integrated approach because integrative psychotherapy is more of a trend within the broader field of psychotherapy than a type of psychotherapy. The precise way of integrating methods a therapist uses will be determined by their educational background, talents, and experience. Do you want to try this form of therapy in Oakland, CA? Contact Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy today. We also deal with marriage counseling and PTSD therapy.

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Partner Won’t Go to Therapy Sessions With You? Here’s What to Do

01 Jun 2022 Partner Won’t Go to Therapy Sessions With You? Here’s What to Do It can be difficult when one partner in a relationship doesn’t want to go to therapy sessions. It is critical to remember that you are not alone in this and that there are steps you It can be difficult when one partner in a relationship doesn’t want to go to therapy sessions. It is critical to remember that you are not alone in this and that there are steps you can take to make the situation more manageable with the assistance of an Oakland California, therapist. How to Convince Your Spouse to Attend Couples Therapy The first step is to try to figure out why your spouse is refusing to go to therapy. Perhaps they feel embarrassed or ashamed of the problems in your relationship. It is also possible that they do not believe couples therapy will benefit. Whatever the reason, it is critical to have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about why they are resistant to attending relationship therapy. After you’ve discussed the reasons for their resistance, you can begin to look for a way to handle their concerns. If they get embarrassed, find out if any therapy options would make them feel more at ease, such as online or phone sessions. Finally, if they are resistant for any other reason, see if there are any possible compromises, such as attending marriage therapy together for some sessions. Can a Marriage Survive If One Spouse Won’t Go to Therapy? It can be challenging to assist a couple if only one person agrees to attend therapy. However, there are steps an expert can take to try to save the relationship. One option is to have individual therapy sessions with each partner. This allows each person to receive assistance without requiring the other person’s participation or agreement. If this is impossible or does not work, couple’s therapy may be the only option. In this case, finding a therapist with whom both partners can agree and feel at ease is critical. Will the Marriage Fail If Only One Married Couple Agrees to Go to Relationship Therapy? The answer to this question is a little more complicated. On the one hand, if only one partner is willing to go to marriage therapy, it indicates that at least one person in the relationship recognizes the problem and wishes to address it. If only one partner is willing to go to therapy, it may indicate that the other is in denial about the issue or does not believe that treatment will be beneficial. This could suggest that the relationship is in trouble. If only one partner in your relationship is willing to go to therapy, it is critical to talk to them about why they oppose the idea. If they are eager to talk about it, you might be able to collaborate to find a solution that works for both of you. When to End a Marriage: Therapist Advice on When to Leave an Unreceptive Partner It is difficult to decide whether a therapist should advise a person to leave a marriage and an unresponsive partner. On the one hand, some therapists may believe it is their responsibility to do everything possible to help the person stay in the relationship, even if it means advising them to stay in an unhappy situation. Other therapists, on the other hand, may believe that it is more important to respect the person’s autonomy and allow them to make their own life decisions, even if it means leaving a difficult situation. It is ultimately up to the individual therapist to decide what is best for their patient and act accordingly. Bottom Line If your partner is unwilling to accompany you to therapy, there are still options for getting the help you require. Contact Reuben Burke, MS, AMFT, a licensed therapist specializing in couples counseling in San Rafael California, and Oakland California.

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