Black Minds Matter Psychotherapy

Partner Won’t Go to Therapy Sessions With You? Here’s What to Do

01 Jun 2022

Partner Won’t Go to Therapy Sessions With You? Here’s What to Do

It can be difficult when one partner in a relationship doesn’t want to go to therapy sessions. It is critical to remember that you are not alone in this and that there are steps you

A man and woman holding hands while standing on surfboards.

It can be difficult when one partner in a relationship doesn’t want to go to therapy sessions. It is critical to remember that you are not alone in this and that there are steps you can take to make the situation more manageable with the assistance of an Oakland California, therapist.

How to Convince Your Spouse to Attend Couples Therapy

The first step is to try to figure out why your spouse is refusing to go to therapy. Perhaps they feel embarrassed or ashamed of the problems in your relationship. It is also possible that they do not believe couples therapy will benefit. Whatever the reason, it is critical to have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about why they are resistant to attending relationship therapy.

After you’ve discussed the reasons for their resistance, you can begin to look for a way to handle their concerns. If they get embarrassed, find out if any therapy options would make them feel more at ease, such as online or phone sessions. Finally, if they are resistant for any other reason, see if there are any possible compromises, such as attending marriage therapy together for some sessions.

Can a Marriage Survive If One Spouse Won’t Go to Therapy?

It can be challenging to assist a couple if only one person agrees to attend therapy. However, there are steps an expert can take to try to save the relationship. One option is to have individual therapy sessions with each partner. This allows each person to receive assistance without requiring the other person’s participation or agreement. If this is impossible or does not work, couple’s therapy may be the only option. In this case, finding a therapist with whom both partners can agree and feel at ease is critical.

Will the Marriage Fail If Only One Married Couple Agrees to Go to Relationship Therapy?

The answer to this question is a little more complicated. On the one hand, if only one partner is willing to go to marriage therapy, it indicates that at least one person in the relationship recognizes the problem and wishes to address it.

If only one partner is willing to go to therapy, it may indicate that the other is in denial about the issue or does not believe that treatment will be beneficial. This could suggest that the relationship is in trouble.

If only one partner in your relationship is willing to go to therapy, it is critical to talk to them about why they oppose the idea. If they are eager to talk about it, you might be able to collaborate to find a solution that works for both of you.

When to End a Marriage: Therapist Advice on When to Leave an Unreceptive Partner

It is difficult to decide whether a therapist should advise a person to leave a marriage and an unresponsive partner. On the one hand, some therapists may believe it is their responsibility to do everything possible to help the person stay in the relationship, even if it means advising them to stay in an unhappy situation.

Other therapists, on the other hand, may believe that it is more important to respect the person’s autonomy and allow them to make their own life decisions, even if it means leaving a difficult situation. It is ultimately up to the individual therapist to decide what is best for their patient and act accordingly.

Bottom Line

If your partner is unwilling to accompany you to therapy, there are still options for getting the help you require. Contact Reuben Burke, MS, AMFT, a licensed therapist specializing in couples counseling in San Rafael California, and Oakland California.

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